Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today was in stark contrast to yesterday.

It started off VERY well, with me waking up early enough to take a loooong shower, do my homework, and have a nice breakfast, and STILL make it to school with tie to spare.

Classes are going great, and I'm mastering past tense conjugations of verbs... (a HUGE apology to my Buddhist teachers, who say to live in the present)

During the break, I looked up places to go, and one of the top things I found was the botanic garden, so I'll be doing that soon. I was going to do it today, but It was getting dark when class was out, so I went with some friends to the planetarium. It was closed (again) but this time we got the hours of operation, so I'll be going back there too.

After that, I had a VERY unusual dinner. I went with a large (7) group of friends to a restaurant that I wouldn't have thought existed, at least in BA. All you can eat sushi buffet.

I know, right?

As it turns out, I enjoy sushi, and it wasnt half bad!

40 sushi later, I'm feeling full. After dinner, we all walk back to the apartment, and I hang out there for a few, then walk back home.

When I get to my room, it seems that someone turned of the heat while I was away, so when I open the door, I'm assaulted by a temperature so fierce, I'd liken it to the Sun's sweat lodge.

Very hot. Not really ok with it... I've turned off the heater and opend up the windows, so we'll see how it goes...

Oh, by the by, i heard that HP 7.2 opens here a day before the states. guess who's gonna see it?

THIS GUY! Be jealous.

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