Tuesday, June 21, 2011

AAAAAAAAAAADVENTURE TIME!!! (Subtitles added for your benefit)

You know what time it is....

Today was the first day of school, and my first time walking alone in BA. Now, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't singing "Buenos Aires" from Andrew Lloyd Weber's rock opera Evita the WHOLE walk to school...

That said, it was a pain to get up at 7am local time.my body's sloooooowly getting used to the time change, and this didn't help... But knowing i might be late to my first day of class got me out the door with time to spare...

So, it seems that my internet isn't fast enough to post pictures, so those'll come tomorrow, I promise. I'll give them their own, separate post...

So, let me spill the overflowing cup of leche (milk) that is my brain...

Firstly, I'll describe the streets... I'm not sure what to make of them... The people seem to always be in a hurry, never making eye contact. There is a lot of graffiti, some pretty, some not. There also is a strange sight for me to see, dog poop. People with ding dont stop to pick it up, so you have to watch where you step VERY carefully.

Which brings me to my next item. Dogs. Now, I've never been a dog person, but here in Argentina, EVERYONE seems to have dogs. And it's never just one, oh no... It always has to be at LEAST 6, all at once. Some on leash, most not. During my adventure today (which I'll describer later on), my friends and I went through a park, and there must've been at least 50 dogs there!!

Ok, on to the adventure...

So, I get to school, and get settled down at one of the computers (I had arrived tragically early, around 7:45 for an 8:00 class). Other people start to show up, and I go on facebook. So, us using computers start to chat, and there's someone from New Zealand, here for a week while her husband is in the area on a business trip, there's a guy from England, a guy from L.A., and me.

So, we start chatting up a storm (all the while me cheering in my head every time someone with an accent spoke) and we have a nice time... And then people leave to go to the common area, and I join them, under the self inflicted amnseia that I like coffee (Every time I drink it, I forget I don't). So I drink it, but that's not important. I sit down, and begin talking to people, there's people from SF, LA, Australia, Cambodia (I think that's what she said), Italy, NYC, all over...

So after a time (at like 8:30/9), a man comes out and tells us when our classes will be, and I get pegged in the afternoon group. So, the morning group leaves, and then a guy names Victor asks me if I wanted to come with him while he goes with him and just check out the city. I say "Of course!" and so then we wait a bit while he asks other people, and then returns with two girls in tow.

We set out, and make our way down towards this hot yoga studio that one of the girs had heard about online, and wanted to check out. So we head down that way (about a 20 minute walk), and we make introductions, and the inevitable "oooh you're so young" comments are made (those of you at the JC know what I'm talking about, haha) After checking it out, decided to go find a bite to eat, as none of us had had a proper breakfast yet. It kind of amazed me, how acute my sense of direction is. I never really notice it back home, but I knew EXACTLY which direction was ours, even when nobody else did.

So we walk back in an esceula-ly direction, and stop at a cafe. Nothing to write home about, but I'm doing it anyways. After that, we walked back, and stopped at some shops to get some more stuff we needed (notebooks, pens etc...). and then came back to the school for the empanada lunch spread they had for us. As we sat, the heads of the school explained all the details of everything to us, and then sent us off to our afternoon class. It was a good class, but my brain hasn't had a 4 hours class in soooo long, I got pretty antsy after a while...

Then, after the lesson, a group of people went out to dinner, but I didn't, because... well, I dont rightly know... Not a good choice to decline though... But that's life... I pick up a SIM card for my phone in that time, so its not a total loss... Bad news is I cant use my phone until tomorrow...

But at 7, they had a tango lesson! SO. MUCH. FUN. I can now say that I've learned Argentine tango in Buenos Aires. Good times bro... Victor was there, and we made plans to go to La Boca tomorrow morning, so that'll be grand...

So, after that, I walk back to the apartment, and here I am!

TL;DR is: I had fun today...


  1. Muy bien! Estoy...como se dice "jealous'?

  2. I do understand the pass on dinner: many hours in a foreign language can make you tired. Sounds like a great first day, with more to follow.

  3. Wow the adventure continues. What happened with the two girls? :) Can't wait to hear more and see some pics.
