Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 2, in which our hero walks to school.

Today was a day of learning where I am.

I start off the day with some delicious (homemade bread) toast for breakfast, followed by looking on the weather websites to find out how the climate is today... Sorry Sonoma County, the temperatures today were in the 50's...

After a bit, Hugo take me to the door, and shows me how to get in and out of the apartment, as well as safety tips for the area...

Then we're off!! We walk towards the school (about 10 blocks), and it's a lovely time.

We pass all kinds of stores, clothing, cell phone (going to stop by one of those tomorrow to get my SIM card), etc... All the while Hugo tells me about the eclectic style of architecture in BA. How it's the most European-ized of any city in South America, and boy it shows! One block will have an Italian style of building, and the next will be French, then British, and so on! Very neat to see how all the styles flow together to make a seamless whole... Then we reach the school, and I mentally mark its destination (not like that helps, but it makes me feel better, haha)...

I've still been having problems with jet-lag... Now, 4 hours might not seem like that big of a deal, but it's just enough to get VERY annoying, VERY fast. so, I've been going to bed at 4, and waking up at 2. that can't last much longer, I need to get up tomorrow at like 6:30, to be at school by 8...

So, tomorrow's going to be my very first adventure day... I'm going to go to school, then I dont know what! Maybe go to a card shop, maybe get a SIM card, I dont know! Oh, and pictures, lots of pictures tomorrow, I hope...


  1. More on what the scene is like, as you walk? Are there crowded sidewalks or not, lots of cars, bicycles, motorbikes? Do people smile and nod at one another or keep their eyes locked straight ahead? Much graffiti, or little, and of what sort? Lots of dogs on leashes or mostly dog-less? Are there beggars, buskers, sidewalk vendors? Pigeons? Parks? Poisoned pigeons in the parks?

    Have a great first day of school.

    ~ Kassy

  2. Ooooh sounds beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures!

    I hope your sleeping gets better, it can be quite hard to quickly change one's way of sleeping :\ Maybe if you have a rough time getting up tomorrow, you'll be so tired by the end of the day that that'll get your sleeping on track. I don't know xD good luck though!

  3. Harry, I had no idea you were so fond of toast...
