Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just another day in the life

Today was a good day.

I woke up at a decent hour, had a shower, did all of my morning stuff... (breakfast, getting my things together, you know, the usual) and then left for school.

Class was difficult, and I'm fearing I'm the slowest student in our class. It's not a bad thing, it's just a bad realization. I just don't understand how the language works... Not very fun.

But after class, I set out to go find one of 3 comic/card shops that I found using the Wizard's tourney locator... This time I would find it. I just HAD to to break this streak of bad luck in finding things. Long story short, well actually short story long (wasnt an eventful trip), I get there, and poke around. It's not a large shop, but it has many products. Lots of dice, some magic cards (now fewer, haha) lots of comics, and some action figures. I pick out some magic packs in Spanish, a deck, a set of dice (one ALWAYS needs more dice), and then brought them to the counter, only to find that even though it said that they accepted mastercards, they didn't.

No problem, right? There are tons on ATMs around the city, there's bound to be one VERY close by, right? Right. No big adventure, sorry reader... I got some more cash, and got the cards and dice.

I then left, and decided to go see a movie, but I needed to stop by the apartment to drop off my heavy stuff. So I get there, and look up theaters in the area, but there are none that are open. Not very good, as it meant I had no evening plans, but then everyone came home, and we had a lovely dinner cooked by Hugo.

Short story long then short again, I've had a very pleasant day. I look forward to tomorrow, but for no reason in particular...

Until next time!

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